Sheikh Abdullah bin Awwad Al-Juhany

سيرة فضيلة الشيخ عبدالله بن عواد الجهني إمام المسجد الحرام ذلك الصوت الندي فقد أتاة الله مزمار من مزمير آل داود ........ لا أريد أن أطيل عليكم فكلكم على شوق لمعرفة سيرة الشيخ :
هو الشيخ_ عبدالله عواد فهد معيوف عبدالله محمد كديوان الهميمي الذبياني الجهني
خوالة عروة من جهينة (وهما على قيد الحياة ) ولله الحمد
الشيخ عبدالله أصغر الأبناء (وإخوانه الذكور ثلاثة (عايد ،لافي،محمد) وأختان

من مواليد المدينة المنوره 11/1/1396هـ
متزوج ولديه ولدان (محمد، عبدالعزيز) وإبنتان

حفظ القرآن صغيرا وذلك لحرص والديه واهتمامهم والمتابعه الدائمة وقبل كل هذا التوفيق من الله فقد كان يذهب للتحفيظ في مسجد الاشراف بالحرة الغربية بالمدينة المنوره

درس الجامعة: بكلية القرآن الكريم بالجامعة الاسلامية
الشيخ عبدالله تخرج من الجامعه الاسلاميه دراسات قرانيه واول ماتخرج اصبح معيد في كلية اعدادالمعلمين بالمدينه وبعدها ذهب ليكمل الماجستير بمكه وهو الآن طالب دراسات عليا بجامعة أم القرى و كان قد شارك وعمره 16 سنه في مسابقة لحفظة كتاب الله بمكة وحصل على المركز الأول مكرر و الشيخ عبدالله لم ينشأ لايتيم الاب ولاالام كما تناقلته المنتديات وأمه وابوه على قيد الحياة أطال الله في أعمارهم

ويعتبر الشيخ عبدالله الوحيد الذي اكرمه الله بإمامة أكبر المساجد من ناحية مكانتها للمسلمين وهي
المسجد الحرام الشريف.
المسجد النبوي الشريف.
مسجد قباء.
مسجد القبلتين.
( والله يرزقنا ويرزقه بالصلاة بالمسجد الاقصى إنشاالله)
ووهنالك معلومة صغيرة قبل الصلاة بالمسجد النبوي الشريف عام 1419هـ كان هنالك توجية للشيخ عبدالله بالصلاة بأحد المساجد الكبرى بواشنطن ولكن الله اكرمه بأمر من الملك عبدالله حفظه الله(عندما كان ولي للعهد) بالصلاة بالمسجد النبوي الشريف.
اما الآن فهو إمام بالمسجد الحرام بمكة المكرم


sniper-7 said...

mashalla ,
inshalaha i can to pray with AL-JUHANY evrey year

jafree aziz said...

first time i heard his recitation on 09/06/08 during fajr prayer at masjidil haram... i was crying... since then i start collecting his fajr solah recitation. by the way, can you translate the biography in english...

sniper-7 said...

mybe i have the samie story..befor one year i have been there in makkah and my first pray was with al juhany..his voice done deeper in my heart i like it..and untill now i collecting all his recitaions

kacaperak said...

masha allah
i thought it was only me that was soft-hearted.

i was in makkah last 2 weeks, during a fajr prayer he recited aayah warning people about amanah and that this dunya is just a test. I didn't expect to get this kind of warning early in the morning...i cried listening to his recitation...

أسرة محبي الشيخ الجهني said...

masha Allah tabarak Allah.
May Allah bless him in his life .ameen

fan of sheikh usama khayyat said...
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fan of sheikh usama khayyat said...

Biography of Sheikh Abdullah bin Awad imam of the Grand Mosque that voice of God came to him the odor of pipe Mzimir Aledavood ........ I do not want to dwell on you You all longing to know the biography of Sheikh:
_ Is Sheikh Abdullah Awad Abdullah Mohammed Fahad Maiov Kdioan Alhmaimi Thubiani Juhani
Joalp loop of the supervisor (both alive) and thankfully
Sheikh Abdullah smaller children (three boys and his brothers (Ayed, AVI, Muhammad), and two sisters

Born in Medina e 01/11/1396
Married and has two sons (Mohammed, Abdulaziz) and two daughters

Quran is small and so keen his parents and their interest and follow-up of permanent and before all this reconcile God was going to supervise teaching in a mosque in the western city Baharp Medina

Studied the university: Faculty of the Holy Quran at the Islamic University
Sheikh Abdullah graduated from the Islamic University, Quranic studies, and the first Matakrj became a Lecturer in the Faculty of Aaadadamwalimin the city and then went on to complete Masters in Mecca and is now a graduate student at the University of Umm Al-Qura, and had participated at the age of 16 years in the competition for the keepers of the Book of Allah in Makkah and won first place in duplicate and Sheikh Abdullah not established for Etim father and parent forums, as reported by his mother and his father alive, may God grant him in ages

Sheikh Abdullah is the only one who honored God imamate of the largest mosques in terms of status for Muslims is
Haram al-Sharif mosque.
Prophet's Mosque.
Quba Mosque.
Mosque-Qiblatain Mosque.
(God bless us and bless him with Al-Aqsa Mosque to pray Inchaallah)
And Ohnalk small piece of information before prayers at the mosque of Prophet Mohammad in 1419 there was a directing of Sheikh Abdullah praying in a mosque in Washington and big, but God honored him by order of King Abdullah may Allah protect him (when he was crown prince) prayer mosque of Prophet Mohammad.
But now he is the imam of the Holy Mosque in Makkah Al Mukarram

Unknown said...

i am astonished listening his voice and think if i stand for offering Salah behind him then maybe i can not understand just how time passes. I am trying to collect all of his recitations. MaashAllah...his voice is gift of Allah which fits perfectly with the Aiats of the holy Quran.
May Allah bless Sheikh Juhany and increase his ages so that he can continue his recitation long and long times....